I did a talk last night to a group of writers. They are of varying age, and in varying stages of their books and projects. About half the group has been very hesitant to venture online in any capacity. Some feared for personal safety. Some misunderstood Facebook as solely a way for Facebook to market to Facebook users. And some, have not even ventured online at all.
By the time the session was over, I think I was able to inspire this fine group to take the next step. Wheels were turning. Notes were being jotted down. Hands were raised, and great comments made. It was a successful event. And, if a dozen writers in Eastern PA feel this way, then I know others do as well. I think the tech-savvy writers need to act as patron saints of social media and help our writer friends realize the potential they have.
Let me address those fears. There is nothing to be scared of just by having a presence on the Internet. Phone books have been around forever, and they lists names, addresses, and phone